My Daughter Wants A Bike


My daughter's been asking "Can I get a bike" since age 5, when she started riding pillion with me. 
She's almost 20, and she keeps asking. My glib answer, "You can get one when you turn 38. That's when I got my first one." doesn't really work. 
Somewhere along the line I realized she was serious about her desire to own and ride her own. 
I said, "After you pass an MSF course, and get your endorsement, I'll help you pick out a good bike." I'm not paying for anything, but I'll help her make her first purchase. She already has good riding gear from riding pillion with me. 
She's saving her money. 
We'll be looking for something tame and old and inexpensive to start with. Sometime around August assuming she keeps saving her summer paychecks.
And ... this is terrifying. I realize it's a parent thing. I've encouraged her to be responsible as a pillion, and as a rider. But ... still ... hard to put the baby on her first motorcycle.