Rock Tavern, NY

Driving to Massachusetts, listening to the radio as I travel I-84 east in Pennsylvania.

Suddenly I hear a local radio commercial promoting Orange County Choppers.

My wife is a huge fan.

Cross the state line into New York. Big old sign says, Welcome to New York. Orange County. How far away can the OCC shops be? I had no idea I'd be passing through their namesake county.

I'm driving alone. I call her up, 800 miles away, to say, "Guess where I am?"

"Scranton?" She asked.

"No. Orange County New York!"

She shrieked with excitement, and helped me plan a side trip to OCC. Only two miles off the interstate, and I had to stop for gas anyway.

Very cool. I was in a dreadful hurry and would've liked to stay more. But I knew how much my wife would want to come, so I know we'll make the journey again, and stay longer when it's the two of us.

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