The Old Man and the Motorcycle

The Old Man and the Motorcycle
by Liam Rector

The old man had inoperable cancer.
The old man's wife was dead
And the old man's kids didn't like him,

So the old man sold most everything
And bought a motorcycle
And the old man got back

To the backroads, to the roads he'd so
Enjoyed as a young man,
And the old man figured what the hell,

I'm sick I don't have long I might
As well die falling off this thing
Somewhere: this affordable, this moving,

This very roaring thing on these last roads.

1 comment:

  1. I love it. It's actually a poem from what's his name's radio show ... Garrison Keilor, that's it. I'm a GK fan, and a poetry fan, and a motorcycle fan, so this works on many levels for me.
