Spoons, and forks, in the road...

I took my first ride of the year yesterday. It's been a winter filled with snow and ice, more so than usual for central Indiana.

Years past we've had a traditional "New Year's Day" ride, and even with frequent snow and ice there are usually occasional thaws which allow me to sneak in a quick ride on a Saturday afternoon.

Finally, the opportunity for a winter ride presented itself yesterday. It took almost a week of above-freezing daytime temps to melt the thick layer of ice which coated the streets and roads.

It was 45 degrees, warm enough to go for a ride without risk of hypothermia. I was properly dressed ... of course.

Winter rides are always challenging, at least in this climate. Salt accumulates in the roadway after the ice melts, and gathers in piles in the center of the lane, between the tracks where the automobiles' wheels typically go.

Potholes emerge in winter, with the damage caused by freezing and thawing. Snow plows gouge these pot holes, ripping them into larger holes. The debris from the pot hole gets strewn across the road.

When riding in the winter, I'm on the look-out for this special breed of winter road hazard. I've lost traction on one of those winter-road salt piles before, while cornering. It was a little nerve-wracking.

I was on the lookout for these road hazards during my ride yesterday. I had no issues with the roads. But I did have to laugh when I pulled to a stop at an intersection, and noticed a spoon in the right of way.

I've heard of forks in the road, but that was a new one to me.

1 comment:

  1. I a wee bit jealous! No riding by me for a while. 12-14 inches of snow falling tonight and tomorrow.

    Enjoy and be careful!
