Jezebel, Wide Open

Bob and I went for a lunch ride. I opened it up on a quiet stretch of 35 mph road and punched up to 80 mph like a rocket. Bob was following. I have a '94, he has a '96.

I arrive at the burrito place, grinning.

Bob said, "Hey, my acceleration is a lot better and a lot smoother since I put the baffles back in (the stock pipes). When you hit wide open, I could really tell it was much smoother."

I looked at him, puzzled.

"You didn't hit wide open?" he asked, incredulously.

"No," I replied, "I didn't hit wide open. Not even close."

"Damn it!" said Bob. "There's still something wrong with my bike."

He has been struggling to get his performance to match mine. He has the california model, with a lot more emissions equipment. He has been fixing vacuum leaks and so forth and has improved performance quite a bit.

He gets 48 mpg, I get about 40. But I can beat him off the line and in the quarter mile.

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