New Helmet Acquired

I needed a helmet, and went to Cycle Outfitters to pick up an HJC AC12. Or so I thought.

With a professional there helping me, we decided that HJC CL-SP's didn't really fit me that well. The medium was too tight, my chin rubbed up against the chin bar. The large was too large, it swam all around even when tightly strapped.

So, I noticed the "40% off" markings on the KBC rack, and thought I'd try a different manufacturer to see if I could find a better fit.

They didn't have white, which is my preference as I believe it is very visible, most visible besides day-glo yellow. I could do yellow maybe if I had a yellow bike, but with a red one, I couldn't bring myself to do yellow.

I looked long and hard at all the gaudy graphics. Most of them were hideous.

There were one or two that I didn't hate. I must've tried on every model KBC in the store.

Finally I decided that gaudy graphics are not for me. Absent the choice of white, and left with solid colors of silver, matte black or matte silver, I chose matte silver. Yeah, I know, a shiny silver might've been more visible, but the matte silver was very pretty. I may add some reflective pin striping or piping or something. Guess I'm getting soft in my old age, putting beauty above safety.

I walked out with a KBC VR-2R for 40% off MSRP.

I look forward to trying it out.

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