Life goes on: After the crash

Dylan Weiss wrote a great account of his first motorcycle accident at his blog, Twisting Asphalt. Unlike some riders who seek to find an excuse outside of themselves, he accepts his mistake, analyses it, learns from it. It's a good philosophy, and the mark of a smart rider.

It's the riders who deny their own responsibility for their well-being that worry me. If they have no accountability with themselves, how will they ever improve their riding ability? How will they learn from their mistakes? If everything that ever goes wrong is always somebody else's fault, how will they survive?

You take your life into your hands when you ride. You should come to grips with this. If you're going to blame someone else for what happens, how can you face the risks?

I have to believe that I have the power to change my circumstances, to affect the outcome. It's not a question of "fault", or "who's right" ... it's a question of taking ownership, taking responsibility for what happens.

Bigger than motorcycling, this is about life itself.

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