The ultimate Brammo fan's first ride - Hell For Leather

What's in it for the fans?

This guy liked the bike so much he launched a Web 2.0 "Social Media" marketing frenzy, and wound up winning a motorcycle as a result.

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  1. To steal from a gun rights slogan, "They will have to peel my cold, dead (road rashed) legs out from around my internal combustion engine."
    Until they create a reliable hydrogen or alcohol fuel cell, that can be quickly refueled at a station, electrics are going to be short distance commuters.
    And if they can create an efficient way of deriving hydrogen, then you would be better off burning it in an ICE than using it for electricity. Burning it is more efficient.
    Frankly, I would rather have a 100cc ICE scooter that I could fill up at any gas station and ride all day than an over priced electric bike that has less than a 100 mile range. This guy went 20 miles and only had 22% battery life left.
    My rant is finished. :-)

  2. I don't disagree with you, except to say, "never say never". I myself won't be surprised when that day comes.

    All that you say is true. The battery technology simply isn't there today.

    But when the battery life and range issues are resolved, when batteries can be recharged at a "filling station" taking no longer than pumping gasoline -- why not?

    I am not advocating forcibly prying internal combustion engines from anyone.

    I draw a parallel to photography. When digital cameras first came out, the quality of what they produced was laughable. All the serious photographers still used traditional film. I'm sure folks then said, "Digital cameras will never overtake traditional photography." However, gradually, over the course of the past twenty years, traditional photography has dwindled to a relic of the past.

    No one pried the old cameras from people's hands. When the quality of the output caught up, the advantages of the new technology won people over. People switched willingly.

    A lot of people agree with you. Certainly, I would react very violently if Al Gore confiscated my ICE motorcycle and gave me a Brammo. It's not a fair trade.

    But I'm watching with interest as the technology develops.

  3. I will be the character in Red Barchetta...(except on 2 wheels)

    "Wind In my hair (lol)
    Shifting and drifting
    Mechanical music
    Adrenaline surge...

    Well-weathered leather,
    Hot metal and oil,
    The scented country air.
    Sunlight on chrome,
    The blur of the landscape,
    Every nerve aware."
