My new bike

Look what I picked up at Noble Kawaski Today. . . . . Just kidding. I'd never seen the Ninja 500's, but i'm in love. As a proper motorcycle dealership they let me sit on it and check it out.. They'd have let me test drive it too, since i rode my own bike there. But it was drizzling and i decided i didn't want to try out a new bike in the rain. I may have to come back for a spin.


  1. That has a really fun engine! It is a large version of the Ninja 250 engine. It is also tuned to really wind out. That is the same engine that was on my Vulcan 500, except it was tuned for torque and had a heavier fly wheel. The engine was the only thing that I loved about the Vulcan. Kawasaki knows how to make good parallel twins. That is why I want the Versys. You should be able to get a great deal on the 500. You might look at used ones. You can find them at a really good price now and then. The Ninja 500 has a comfortable riding position too.

  2. I'm negotiating for garage space right now!
