What has a name must surely have a soul

I've been doing some more pondering on the subject of Naming A Motorcycle.

Why do we name our bikes?

Surely, beneath it all is a universal truth. Something which rings true within your heart because of your own experiences, not necessarily because some teacher told you so, or some leader, or some dead poet in a book on the shelf.

But am convinced of the fact nonetheless: That which has a soul must also have a name.

This is why we name our bikes.

This is why we name our pets.

Those who identify most strongly with what I'm saying tip their heads in agreement, and think upon their own experiences. "That's right!" they say.

The counter argument, the stoic, logical, scientific view, would say: Soul's don't exist in these things. Certainly not in a dog or a motorcycle. Soul?! Bah!

If you'd like to stir up some conversation, next time you're grabbing lunch with your motorcycle buddies, toss out a casual question.

What is the name of your bike?

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