Throttle Woes -- Bad To Worse

Okay, now I've done it!

I disassembled the throttle switch housing, removed the throttle grip. I removed the mud from underneath the grip sheath and lubricated it. It moves beautifully!

I cursed my way through fetching the throttle cable ends out of the switch housing, and lubed the cables. Not with WD40 but with a cable lube oil. They move much more freely now. Man, this was surely the problem! It works and feels great!

So -- everything's going according to plan, ain't it?

Put it all back together and fire it up.

Vroom the throttle revs up, and never revs down. what the hell? About one out of every three throttle applications, the RPMs stay high and never come down. I can nudge the throttle down and it'll take the hint, and start dropping RPM.


Tomorrow or whenever I get my next chance I'm going to disassemble the throttle switch housing and see if I missed something. Dunno if I kinked a cable or something. The thing that really puzzles me about this is that the throttle snaps shut like it outta. Before my lube job, it would hesitate in the snapping shut. Now it snaps shut with a click. But it stays revved now worse than before ... independent of the throttle snapping shut.

I'm going to retrace my steps and see what I missed. Didn't I read something about lube oil getting sucked into the carbeurator? Gotta do more research

Any insights would be greatly appreciated!

The Rat

1984 VF500C V30 Red "Katie" (hers) 1984 VF500C V30 Black "Raven" (mine)

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